
Friday Night Dinner is a great TV comedy. Interestingly, there are just three or four pieces of music used during each show; which I think is a great way of giving the viewer a hook or emotional prompt.

Anyway, the title theme is Swedish indie pop band Miike Snow‘s Animal – Punks Jump Up Remix.

For those of you who can’t use Google or don’t know them already; don’t worry we’ll be revisiting the other tracks used in a typical episode. You’ll be able to create your own Friday Night Dinner experience at home, complete with soundtrack.

Image courtesy of LyricWiki.


Emily Barker is an Australian singer-songwriter; The Red Clay Halo are a multi-instrumental trio. Together they are Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo, and their song Nostalgia, from the album “Despite The Snow” featured as the title track to the UK version of Wallander.

Wallander has a very distinctive ringtone – generally heard just before he is informed of yet another murder –  which I managed to track down a link to in this Pistonheads post.

Image courtesy of Emily Barker’s Website.

Nella Vecchia Fattoria

Nella Vecchia Fattoria is an Italian rendition of “Old McDonald had a farm”.

A creation of “Quartetto Cetra” – famous light entertainers of Italy – their version has some qualities which recommend it above any English version I have heard. Mainly, there is a superior effort in terms of production and arrangement. A very pleasing staccato effect is employed during the animal noises which gives the song a quite modern feel.

Before disqualifying my VERY serious advocacy; please do go give it a listen, I am sure you will agree.

Now, since this song has become an Italian nursery rhyme; it is a little hard to find an exact match for the lyrics. But i’ve already done the work for you in finding them and you can enjoy, with the exception of the spoken words at the end: “Ma che stiamo diventando tutti matti?” (but are we all going mad here?)

The song is also performed in the film “Maracatumba… ma non è una rumba”.

Quartetto Cetra are also performers of “Crapa Pelada”; a song – with lyrics in both Milanese and Italian – employed to good effect during an episode of Breaking Bad.

Image from Wikipedia